10 Foods with Lots of Protein for Your Diet

protein food for diet
cr: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexel

Are you on diet? Well, you need to consume foods with lots of protein. According to Wolipop, protein’s main function is to create body cells. Other than that, protein can increase metabolism and burn fat. That’s why protein is important for your weight loss.

Now you know why protein is important for weight loss. But what foods have lots of protein? Here are 10 foods with lots of protein that are good for your diet. According to the US Department of Agriculture and the Indonesian Health Ministry.

Chicken Breast

chicken breast is high protein
cr: Olya Kabruseva via Pexel

Chicken Breast is well known as a high-protein food. With less fat than tight, chicken breast is a good option for your diet menu. For protein, chicken breast has 18.2 grams of protein per 100 grams.


egg is good for diet because of high protein
cr: Klaus Nielsen via Pexel

Besides the meat, a chicken egg also contains lots of proteins. Per 100 grams of chicken eggs contains 13 grams of protein.

Although the yolk has high fat, we suggest you not skip the yolk for maximum proteins.


salmon have 20 grams of protein per 100 gram of servings
cr: Ivan Samkov via Pexel

For you fish lovers, salmon is a great fit for your diet menu. Other than protein, you will also get other healthy nutrition such as Omega, vitamin B, and vitamin B12.

Protein-wise, per 100 grams of Salmon you will get 20 grams of protein.


need snack? eat peanuts
cr: Marina Leonova via Pexel

Waiting for snack menu? Peanut is a perfect protein snack you can get as 100 grams of peanuts contains 25.8 grams of protein.

Edible Birds Nest

edible bird nest is one of the foods with lots of protein
cr: Intternal Photo

You might unfamiliar with this food. But, edible bird’s nest may be the food with the highest protein ever exist. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Food and Health, per 100 grams of edible bird nest, you will get 37.5 grams of protein. Almost double protein than 100 grams of salmon.

Besides the protein, you will get other benefits such as amino acids, minerals, and anti-oxidant. All of that with very low (0.3 gram) of fat per 100 grams of servings.

You can make a healthy dessert such as a bowl of bird nest soup that is famous in China as food that can boost immunity and skin repair.

Related Post:

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beef has higher protein than chicken meat
cr: Lukas via Pexel

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 100 grams of meat contain 19.6 grams of protein. Unfortunately, beef also contains high fat in 10 grams.


cheese is high protein food
cr: NastyaSensei via Pexel

Although milk has a low protein (3.2 grams of protein per 100 grams), cheese is one of the highest protein food. 100 grams of cheese contains 22.8 grams of protein, 7 times higher than milk.

This happens during the process of making cheese. Where milk gets thickened and increases the number of nutrients it has. But, you have to be aware of the number of fat that cheese has since is also higher than milk.

Chia Seeds

chia seed is good for diet
cr: Bruno Scramgnon via Pexel

Did you ever think that chia seeds will be on our list? Chia seeds come from Salvia Hispanica, a mint leaf that is commonly found in Mexico and South America.

In 100 grams on chia seeds contain 17 grams of protein. You can add chia seeds to your smoothies or a bottle of water and turn it into infused water.


tofu is foods with lots of protein
cr: Polina Tankilevitch via Pexel

If you love visiting Asian supermarkets, you must be familiar with tofu. Tofu is made of fermented soybeans which are also known to contain a lot of protein.

According to the Indonesian Health Ministry, in 100 grams of tofu you consume, you will gain benefit from 10.9 grams of protein. Besides, tofu also has high fiber that good for your health.

Cod Fish

cod fish is high protein
cr: Nick Flewings via Unsplash

Gadidae or commonly known as Cod Fish is one of the largest population fish in the ocean. This happens because female Cod Fish could lay millions of eggs. This fish is also commonly used for fish and chips.

In 100 grams of Cod Fish, you will benefit from 18 grams of protein.

Those are 10 foods with lots of protein for your diet. Although those food required to do a little bit of cooking, you can make sure the freshness of the foods you process. This might be the best way to gain protein from foods.

Also Read: 10 Super Food for Pregnant Mom; High Nutrition for Healthy Baby

Learn More About Edible Bird Nest Here!

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